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Plesk 12 FTP issue- FTP connecting but files not showing

A) We have to add a port on the Plesk server for passive FTP.

[root@plskl1 ~]#  cd /etc/proftpd.d/
[root@plskl1 proftpd.d]# cp -pvf 50-plesk.conf 50-plesk.conf_orig
[root@plskl1 proftpd.d]# vi 50-plesk.conf
Add the line below in the global section-

PassivePorts 57000 58000

B) Setup a custom firewall rule in the Plesk control panel.

Log in as “root” to the server shell over SSH.
Go to Modules > Firewall > Edit Firewall Configuration.
Click Add Custom Rule.

Specify the details below:

1. Rule name – Passive FTP
2. Direction: select Incoming.
3. Action: select Allow.
4. Ports: in the Add Port input box, enter the value 57000-58000. Leave the TCP option selected, and click Add.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Activate, and then click Activate again.
