JodoHost made its beginning in December 2002. Since then, we have seen rapid growth and have been recognized by our customers for excellent customer service and system reliability. We attribute our success to our highly qualified team of administrators and our state-of-the-art software and equipment. APYL Inc., is a Florida based Corporation. APYL Group has been in business since 1995.
All JodoHost servers are located at a private facility in Waco, TX. It has now grown to have customers in over 100 countries.
JodoHost has a team of Web Hosting Experts with 6-10 years of Industry experience. We provide quality services at reasonable fee through our in-house full-time Staff working in 3 shifts, 24 hrs. a day, all year long.

Our servers are located at a private facility in Waco, TX. The datacenter uses an advanced environmental control system that regulates temperature and humidity levels throughout the facility. State-of-the-art fire suppression & electric systems prevent any fires or power surges from disrupting server operations.
The only entrance to the datacenter suites are through highly secured entryways, protected with monitored and secure keypad access.
The datacenter is located in an area outside of the 100 year flood plain. In the case of power outages, the facility has full UPS protection and on-site generators and enough fuel reserves to last multiple days.

Our facilities use Juniper routers, Cisco and Netgear enterprise switches setup for redundancy and reliability. We are connected to multiple international and regional networks carriers to bring you faster downloads and reliability.

Our servers run multicore AMD or Intel processors. A minimum of 4GB of server-grade DDR RAM is fitted into each of these machines. All of our critical servers run server-grade SATA3 hard disks in RAID1 or RAID10 arrays. All our standalone servers feature RAID1 protection, with high-performance SCSI or SATA2 hard disks. This means all our systems can tolerate at least 1 hard disk failure with no downtime. All our servers are backed up to secure NAS or SAN every 24 to 48 hours. All this ensures your data is safely stored and more reliable than a single hard drive.

Proactive monitoring, regular maintenance, security audits and a super cautious approach helps ensure that a technical problem never develop on our servers. We hire only the very best and most experienced System Administrators to take care of our systems. The fact that we at JodoHost operate/own our own hardware, infrastructure and network ensures that we can maintain the utmost quality in every link of the hosting chain. We have over 8 years of hosting experience, and have averaged 99.9%+ uptime since launch

At the heart of JodoHost are 20+ seasoned professionals with many years of experience in Server Administration and Customer Support. Our staff is a mix of both US and Indian IT professionals. We hire the very best, with a good portion of our staff holding MCSE and other technical certificates. Our top Level3 system administrators have several years of experiences and have been working with JodoHost for a number of years.